Robin will work with you to clarify and resolve your branding and identity initiatives. She can manage assignments to align with your needs.
Consulting Capabilities
Creative Development & Direction
Present and sell creative solutions
Lead, inspire and guide design teams
Prepare compelling creative strategy
Design brand and identity programs
Write and design brand management tools
Develop and design card plastic for financial institutions
Plan and design launch/implementation materials

Project Direction
Manage large-scale brand and identity programs
Develop and maintain client relationships as primary contact
Establish and manage project scope, work flow and budgets
Provide extensive planning and coordination of project teams
Facilitate client task force meetings
Use strong project related crisis resolution skills

Strategy & Planning
Participate in interviewing, research and strategic analysis processes
Coordinate and analyze visual communications audits
Plan and design brand architectures and decision models
Participate in creation of corporate/product names, nomenclature systems
Develop brand management, launch and implementation plans
Plan and present training sessions and execute training tools
Brand & Identity Activities
Professional services in collaboration with colleagues:
Strategic Branding
Audit, discovery and analysis
Brand strategy and positioning
Brand architecture structures
Decision models
Brand management
Implementation planning
Naming and nomenclature systems
Creative Development & Expression
Design strategy and planning
Corporate and brand logos
Identity design systems
Visual communications materials
Brand management tools
Brand & Identity Consulting Services | 212.217.9756 ©2005 Robin Andrews | all rights reserved